Sunday Gatherings: 9:30am & 11:00am

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Does God Care About My Pain?
on September 16th, 2024
Chase Snyder | Co-Pastor, FBC Loganville Does God Care About My Pain?Have you ever found yourself in the depths of pain, questioning whether God truly understands the anguish you're experiencing? The reality is that our Savior Jesus Christ deeply empathizes with our weaknesses and has walked the path of human suffering Himself.Empathy in the Face of TemptationThe book of Hebrews reminds us that we...  Read More
The Beauty of a Plan Coming Together: Experiencing the Word of God Coming to Life in Your Life
on September 11th, 2024
Cody Mixon | Middle School Pastor, FBC Loganville "For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account."Hebrews 4:...  Read More
How to Talk to Your Kids About School Shootings
on September 5th, 2024
Chase Snyder | Co-Pastor, FBC Loganville How to Talk to Your Kid About School ShootingsAs a parent, addressing the topic of school shootings with your children is one of the most challenging conversations you'll have.And this week we have news of yet another school shooting—and this one happened in our community.We live in a world where evil exists, and sometimes it shows up in tragic and frighten...  Read More
Key Signs of a Follower of Jesus
on August 5th, 2024
Chase Snyder | Co-Pastor, FBC Loganville Unmasking the True Disciple: Key Marks of a Follower of JesusIn a world where faith is often reduced to mere lip service, it's crucial to understand the true markers of a disciple of Christ. Far beyond surface-level religiosity, the life of a genuine follower of Jesus is defined by a deep, transformative relationship with the Savior. As we delve into the Sc...  Read More
7 Characteristics of Incredible Group Leaders
on July 30th, 2024
God hasn’t called us to be mediocre spiritual leaders.Churches around the country are filled with leaders who more closely resemble warm bodies than spiritual leaders.Small group leaders have an incredible calling to impart practical spiritual truth with a group of people who are on various levels of spiritual maturity. This is an incredibly difficult task!It is well known that the best leaders ar...  Read More
Meeting The Needs That We See
on July 25th, 2024
Every year at Thanksgiving our kitchen trash can will overflow with paper plates that were used during the meal. The trash can will overflow with cups, plates, and food scraps from our feast. One by one, our family will take their trash to the can, notice that the trash is full and needs to be taken out, turn our plate upside down, smash the trash into the can, and leave the overflowing trash for ...  Read More
The Best Books on Spiritual Growth
on July 16th, 2024
Your spiritual growth begins once you become a Christian. But how should you grow spiritually? In this post I’ve listed some of the best books on spiritual growth that I have come across in my studies.Spiritual growth is a process called sanctification. Sanctification is being made into the likeness of Jesus. This process is a cooperative work between a Christian and the Holy Spirit that makes you...  Read More
What Message Are You Spreading?
on July 10th, 2024
Our culture doesn’t seem afraid of proclaiming beliefs for others to hear. People have always had opinions. Now people have platforms and avenues to share their opinions with the world.  Read More
The Reality of Walking with Jesus
on April 29th, 2024
Tyler Moore | Student Pastor, FBC Loganville The Reality of Walking with JesusWalking with Jesus is more than just a concept: it's a way of life. In the American church, however, there seems to be a disconnect between the idea of walking with Jesus and actually living it out. This article explores the reality of walking with Jesus, the challenges faced by the American church, and the invitation to...  Read More
The Importance of Boundaries in a Marriage
on February 5th, 2024
Ronnie Kendall | Co-Pastor, FBC Loganville The Importance of Boundaries for a Strong and Healthy MarriageMarriage is a sacred union between two individuals who come together to build a life filled with love, companionship, and mutual support. However, to ensure a strong and healthy marriage, it is crucial to recognize the significance of establishing boundaries. Boundaries act as protective measur...  Read More