Sunday Gatherings: 9:30am & 11:00am

Meeting The Needs That We See

Chase Snyder | Co-Pastor, FBC Loganville
Every year at Thanksgiving, our kitchen trash can will overflow with cups, plates, and food scraps from our feast. One by one, when our family takes trash to the can, they notice that it's full and needs to be taken out. But they turn the plate upside down, smash it into the can, and leave the overflowing trash for someone else to take out.

Does this happen at your family gatherings?

This small picture gives us a glimpse into our human nature—we are typically quick to see needs but slow to meet needs.

We notice inefficiencies. We see needs. We are frustrated with problems. But how quickly do we step in and meet those needs?

The Bible is full of people who tried to avoid their responsibilities.  

  • Jonah — “I’ll go, just not where you want me to go.”
  • The young rich ruler — “I’ll do anything for you, Jesus, but I won’t do that one thing you asked me to do.”
  • The Religious leaders asked, “Who is my neighbor?” — Translation: “I’m okay with loving the people I already love and hating the people I hate.” 
  • The disciples asked, “How many times should we forgive?” — Translation: “When can I stop forgiving someone who has wronged me?”

“For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. How, then, can they call on him they have not believed in? And how can they believe without hearing about him? And how can they hear without a preacher? And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written: How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news.” Romans 10:13-15

In Romans 10, Paul shares that our ultimate responsibility is to follow Jesus and to lead other people to Jesus. This chapter contains one of the greatest passages about salvation and one of the greatest passages about missions and sharing our faith. At the core, Paul expresses the importance of following Jesus (faith/discipleship) and leading people to Jesus (evangelism).

Following Jesus is more than an intellectual understanding, but an intimate relationship.

Leading people to Jesus is more than yelling the name of Jesus in a crowded room, but helping people enter into a personal, intimate relationship with Him.
God has gifted you and positioned you to lead someone to Jesus today. People are in desperate need of His goodness and grace. How can you point someone toward Jesus? 
Chilaquiles Verdes


Chase Snyder

Pastor Chase is a Co-Pastor at FBC Loganville. He and his wife, Annie, and their two kids have been at FBC Loganville since 2017. His heart is to help people faithfully follow Jesus. Chase loves spending time with his family, being outdoors, drinking strong coffee, reading, and cheering on the Tennessee Volunteers.

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