Publicly Declare Your Faith
We’re excited that you’ve made the decision to publicly declare that Jesus is your Lord and Savior!
Throughout the year, we have regularly scheduled baptism opportunities in which the church celebrates baptisms together.
Prior to baptism, we ask those wishing to be baptized to meet with one of our pastors in which we hear your story of salvation and we explain the gospel and our theology of baptism.
Throughout the year, we have regularly scheduled baptism opportunities in which the church celebrates baptisms together.
Prior to baptism, we ask those wishing to be baptized to meet with one of our pastors in which we hear your story of salvation and we explain the gospel and our theology of baptism.
Are You Ready To Get Baptized?
What Is Baptism?
Baptism illustrates Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection. (1 Corinthians 15:3-4) It shows our new life as a follower of Christ. (2 Corinthians 5:17) Baptism doesn’t make you a believer… it shows that you already believe. Baptism doesn’t save you; Jesus does! Baptism is like a wedding ring, signifying a relationship rather than forming that relationship.
Baptism is an outward picture of the inward change that has happened because a person surrendered their life to Jesus.
→ Learn More About What It Means To Follow Jesus
Baptism is an outward picture of the inward change that has happened because a person surrendered their life to Jesus.
→ Learn More About What It Means To Follow Jesus
Is Baptism Required For Salvation?
Baptism isn’t required for salvation, but is the first step of faith for believers. The baptismal waters don’t save anyone. It’s Jesus that does that. Baptism is a picture of the work that Jesus has done in a person’s heart.
Why Should You Be Baptized?
We follow Jesus’ example in baptism. He was baptized (Mark 1:9), and commanded us to be baptized (Matthew 28:19-20).
How Do You Baptize?
At FBC Loganville, we baptize by immersion. That’s the example we see throughout Scripture, and is the basis for the meaning of the word “baptize,” which means to immerse (or dip under) in water.
Who Should Be Baptized?
We believe in what is called "Believer's Baptism". That simply means that baptism is the first step after someone surrenders their life to Jesus and becomes a Christian. Baptism happens after one repents of his sins and accepts Jesus as his Lord.
→ Learn More About What It Means To Follow Jesus
→ Learn More About What It Means To Follow Jesus