Sunday Gatherings: 9:30am & 11:00am


Midweek Service
Wednesday Nights 6:45pm-8:30pm

Wednesday nights are a time for students to join together for corporate worship, public reading and teaching, and finally to respond appropriately to the scripture that is taught. Middle and High school are combined for worship on Wednesdays. This is for students in 6-12th grades.
During our midweek gathering students meet in the gym to socialize around 6:45pm, sometimes we provide dinner or snacks, other times we jump straight into worship. Worship starts around 7:00pm.

In order to stay caught up with announcements and reminders about midweek services, when dinner will be served, or any big event, join our Remind Group.

Sunday Morning Groups
9:30am High School | 11am Middle School

High Schoolers meet on Sunday mornings at 9:30am and Middle Schoolers meet on Sunday mornings at 11:00am.

During this time, students break up into small groups and go over weekly material from The Gospel Project. They study together, pray, and encourage each other in their walks with Christ.