Sunday Gatherings: 9:30am & 11:00am

Follow Jesus

Following Jesus is the best decision you can make in your life.
We invite you to explore your identity in Christ and what it means to be a follower of Jesus.

We are so happy you are here and are taking your next step of faith by discovering who Jesus is. Being a Christ follower means that Jesus is your King, Lord, Savior and Friend.

He invites you into a personal relationship with Him.

Being a Christ follower is not based on how good you are, but it is based on who Jesus is and what He has done for you through His life, death and resurrection.

The Bible says if we confess with our mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in our heart that God raised Him from the dead, we will be saved (Romans 10:9). Surrendering your life to Jesus means…

  • A – Admit that you are a sinner in need of a Savior. By nature we are dead in our sins and rebellious against God. There is nothing we can do to bring us into right standing with Him.
  • B – Believe deep in your heart that when Jesus chose to die on the cross as a payment for your sin it counted for you.
  • C – Confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and Savior; publicly proclaiming that only by grace through faith in Jesus can you have a right relationship with God.

And once you admit, believe and confess, you can never lose your salvation.

Have you decided to follow Jesus? 

If you’ve recently surrendered your life to Jesus Christ, we’d love to celebrate with you! This journey is not meant to be walked alone. If you would like someone to come alongside you in the coming months — to pray with you, read the Bible with you and support you as you take your next step — we would love to connect with you and talk to you about baptism.

Take Your Next Step

Prayer is a conversation with our Father. We pray because it transforms our heart to be more like His. We pray to hear from Him. We pray because Jesus prayed. Prayer is one of the strongest ways to deepen your relationship with Jesus.
Read Your Bible
We have a daily reading plan that follows along with what we’re currently studying in the Scriptures from our weekly sermons. Find time with the Lord every day to read His Word.

View Our Daily Bible Reading Plan
Attend Weekly Gatherings
We are one church in multiple locations and we invite you to worship with us. Each week we worship Jesus through singing songs and by the preaching of the Bible. God created us to worship Him for His glory.
Get Baptized
One of the ways we demonstrate and celebrate God saving us is by being baptized. Believer’s baptism is a public proclamation of Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.

→ Learn More About Baptism
Get Involved In A Community
God created us for community. We invite you to take a next step of faith by joining a group, going on a short-term mission trip, serving or any of our other ways to get connected.