Sunday Gatherings: 9:30am & 11:00am

Switching To The New Giving Platform

This week we switched our online giving platform to Planning Center Giving

Planning Center hosts our church membership, event registration, calendar planning, groups, and a few other processes that help us serve the church. Moving over to Planning Center Giving was the last transition to this new platform.

Planning Center uses Stripe Payment processing to ensure a safe transaction. Stripe Payment processing is used by companies like, Shopify, Amazon, Kickstarter, Squarespace, Uber, Lyft, Habitat for Humanity, and the American Cancer Society. Planning Center's partnership with Stripe means that we will experience top of the line cyber security to protect those who contribute to our church. This is a more secure system than our previous giving platform. 

What does this mean? This change will only affect those who give online.

Scheduled Recurring Donations: If you are a monthly contributor online (you have your tithe automatically withdrawn from our website) you will have to cancel your old donation and create a new recurring donation on Planning Center Giving. Instructions for canceling your old donation and setting up a new donation can be found be scrolling down this page.

One-Time Online Donations: If you go on our website and give financially without setting up an automatically scheduled donation then you will simply go our website or app and give using the link  
Instructions for setting up your account and making a donation can be found by scrolling down this page. 

Giving by Check or Cash: You can continue to give in-person or by the mail. This doesn’t impact your donation at all. It is only for those who give through our website and app.

Important Information: 
  • We will keep both giving platforms operational for two months to ensure everyone is switched from the old platform (Service U) to the new platform (Planning Center Giving). This will give our Finance Director time to contact any monthly contributors who have not made the switch to the new platform. We will cancel the old platform on December 31, 2020. At that time, anyone who still has a recurring donation on the old system (Service U) will have future donations canceled. 
  • Our new system enables the donor two options for processing financial transactions: by debit card and through bank transfer. 
  • We prefer to set up donations through a bank transfer option. This requires a simple $0.25 processing fee, regardless of the size of the donation. That means we have more opportunities to give money to ministries. 
  • If given with a debit card, there is a button where you can pay the transaction fee. 

Questions? Email Angie Smith or call her at 770-466-4250

Thank you for your ongoing generosity and support.

How To Stop Your Old Recurring Gift on Service U

If you have a recurring gift that is automatically processed each month this section will show you how to cancel your recurring donation on Service U, our old giving platform.
If you simply gave one-time donations with no scheduled donations, you can skip this section and learn how to setup your donation on Planning Center Giving.

1. Go to Service U Giving

Click the link here to visit the Service U donation page. Service U Giving

2. Login to Your Account

Put in your email address and password. Then click "Sign In"

3. Click "My Profile" in the Top Right Corner

Once signed in, click "My Profile" at the top right by your name. This will take you to the settings page. 

4. Click "My Setting"

Click on "My Settings" on the top right tab. 

4. Click "Recurring Payments"

To the right, under "Financial Settings" click "Recurring Payments"

4. Cancel Your Recurring Payment

Once on this page, you can click on your recurring payment and cancel the payment. 

Questions? Email Angie Smith

How To Setup New Recurring Donation on Planning Center

Ready to make a donation? Here are the instructions on how to give one-time and recurring donations on the new giving platform. 

1. Click "Give" on our Website

You can head to or click the "give" button in the FBC Loganville mobile app. 

2. Enter Donation Amount 

The first button is to enter a donation amount and to select a fund - either the general fund for tithes and offerings or for Lottie Moon - our international missions fund. 

3. Select The Frequency of this Donation

There are two options here: 1. Give a one time donation or 2. Give a recurring donation.
Is it a one time donation? Make sure one time is selected and move to the next step.
Is it a recurring donation? Select "Regularly" then more options will appear. Now you can setup the frequency of the donation to weekly, every other week, monthly, or twice monthly. Select a day of the week you want to donation to hit and then select when you want your first donation to be processed.

4. Enter Your Email Address and Name then Click "Continue"

Submit your email address and name. This is the email address a confirmation email will be sent once you give.
If you are a member, have given in the past, have attended a group or event, or have checked your child into a weekend worship gathering you will already have a profile in the new system. It not, an account will be created automatically for you once you enter your email address and name. 

Click "Continue" to go to the next screen to select your payment method. 

5. Select Your Payment Method

There are two payment methods: 1. Bank Transfer and 2. Debit Card
Connecting Your Bank: This method connects your bank account to the giving platform (which uses Stripe to process payments) or allow you to give through your bank routing number by scroll to the bottom of the popup box and select "Don't See Your Bank: Link with account numbers."  This will ask for your online banking information to connect your account to Stripe or give with your bank routing numbers. There is only a $0.25 transaction fee for donations through bank accounts - regardless of the size donation.
Adding a Debit Card: Add your card information. There is a box present if you would like to add the transaction fee to your donation so that we will not have to pay it from our budget. 

6. Click "Give"

That is it! Your donation has been submitted!

Questions? Email Angie Smith